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Passover resources to enhance your preparation, seders, and holiday observances


Why do we sell our hametz before Passover?
Sell your hametz using Rabbi Tilchin as your agent, call the Temple Beth Emet office - (714) 772-4720 - by 10am on Monday, April 22.
All donations will be used to prevent hunger in our community.

Click here to download the form for selling your hametz  and email to



Dayenu Seder Supplement

The beautiful Seder supplement features climate conversation-starters, spirited music, and practices to flex our imagination during five key Seder moments, including Urehatz, Karpas, Four Children, “dayenu!” and B’chol dor vador.

This year, as we celebrate both Passover and Earth Day, we have a unique opportunity to consider Passover wisdom for living and acting in a time of climate crisis. We are delighted to offer this resource, designed by artist Rachel Jackson, for free and would love to hear how you use it!

Click here to download



The OC Jewish Meditation and Spirituality Collective is proud to co-sponsor a unique Passover meditative experience:

Freedom from the Inner-Pharoah

Sunday, April 28th at 9:30am in a private home
RSVP here



Academy of Jewish Religion (NY)
2024 Haggadah supplement "Seder Interrupted"

Dynamic essays and insights from some of America's leading Jewish thinkers and clergy.


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784